Short Courses
AFRICATA offers a wide range of short courses covering all the relevant subject areas for Certified Fraud Examiners. Our courses cover various topics that keep CFEs' knowledge up to date and ensure that they are well equipped to tackle any challenges head-on and with confidence. The short courses have been designed to address different competence levels, a broad spectrum of industries, and any new developments within the fraud examination industry. These courses provide world-class training designed to educate professionals on current critical challenges and best practices. They also enhance the anti-fraud profession and is at the forefront of anti-fraud research. The training programmes presented at these courses broaden the knowledge and support ongoing professional growth.
Contract and Procurement Fraud
Determine if a procurement scheme violates legal statutes or civil laws.
Identify the red flags of bribery and corruption.
Recognise bid-rigging and market-allocation schemes.
Reduce the risk of vendor fraud.
Develop an investigation plan to respond to suspected procurement fraud.
Fraud 101
Fraud theories and definitions
Tools to use when conducting investigations/Audits
Basics of Financial Statement Fraud Schemes
Legal considerations during Investigations
Testifying as a Witness
Report Writing
Controlling the Risk of Asset Misappropriation
Identify common asset misappropriation schemes, including skimming, billing schemes and information theft.
Assess the process-level fraud risks in the cash receipts, cash disbursements, payroll and other functions.
Assess entity-wide fraud risks, including how your organizational culture affects the threat of asset misappropriation.
Establish effective internal controls to mitigate the risk of asset misappropriation schemes.
Respond to an asset misappropriation scheme that has been identified.
Effective Report Writing
Anti-Money Laundering
Introduction and extent to Money laundering
Legal aspects
Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 2004
Financial Intelligence Center Act (with 2017 amendments)
Aspects of the risk-based approach to Money laundering
Money laundering Schemes
The forfeiture of Assets
Assess your audience and plan your report.
Organise your report content to maximize readability.
Incorporate visual aids to illustrate key points.
Identify and address relevant legal issues in report writing.
Write effective expert-witness reports.
Avoid common mistakes when preparing reports.
Tracing of Hidden Assets
Apply direct and indirect methods to locate hidden assets.
Determine appropriate sources of information for tracing assets.
Recognise common hiding places used to conceal assets.
Evaluate money laundering techniques and offshore havens.
Recognize various methods to recover ii-gotten gains and
examine types of forfeiture cases